2022 Educational Workshop Application

Organizer Contact Information
Additional Organizer Contact Information
Additional Organizer Contact Information
Proposed Speaker Contact Information
Proposed Speaker Contact Information
Proposed Speaker Contact Information
Proposed Speaker Contact Information
Proposed Speaker Contact Information
Proposed Speaker Contact Information
(approximately 75-100 words, as you would like to appear in the publicity). This should include the Goals and Objectives of the Workshop, the Target Audience and the justification of the workshop (why should this workshop take place). It should also indicate if the workshop includes a demonstration or display of products or services in this area (e.g. instruments or other commercially available products/services that support research in this area).
Provide an answer to the following questions

What is the singularity of the workshop’s focus? What are the learning objectives?

b) Do you know if similar topics have been covered or will be covered in workshops or meetings in the previous or the next 12 months? If yes, where and when?

What is the organization and educational methodology of the workshop? Indicate the type of activities and their duration:
Provide an outline of the proposed topic(s), potential speaker(s) and specify the inclusion of sponsor(s)/industry speaker(s). Indicate if this is a full-day or half-day workshop.
CRS Workshops will be financially independent and income-generating. Sponsor commitments must cover the minimum funding necessary for the proposed length of the workshop. To assist you in securing sponsor(s) and in communicating the marketing benefits included in a workshop sponsorship, please use the Educational Workshop Sponsor Benefits flyer that is included with the Workshop Application Policy & Procedures document.
Workshop organizers are welcomed to informally investigate and identify potential sponsors. However, they should communicate with the CRS “Industry Relations” representative (Porter Rice via email: price@controlledreleasesociety.org) prior to making a formal proposal to potential sponsor(s) for support. Final approval of the workshop is dependent on the committed sponsor(s) who have provided to CRS an ‘intent to sponsor’.