Member of the Year Award

The Controlled Release Society grants this honor to a member who has demonstrated an emerging or sustained commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion in their professional activities through December 31 of the year the award is presented. The Member of the Year Award recognizes the key role that achievements in ED&I initiatives play in the advancement of science and technology for the benefit of CRS and the greater scientific community.

The CRS retains the right not to award any award for any given year if the candidates are not at the level of scientific excellence required.


  • The award may be considered based upon the activities of a group of individuals, provided that a single, active CRS member is specified as the nominee.
  • Nominee(s) must demonstrate a clear track record of success and lasting impact of his/her/their ED&I activities within one or more of his/her/their professional networks.
  • The nominee must uphold and promote the principles outlined in the CRS Statement on Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion.
  • Specific evidence of exemplary leadership in ED&I initiatives must be provided in the nomination form. Please discuss these efforts in order of importance and impact on ED&I. Relevant activities include but are not limited to:
    • Outreach and community service efforts that focus on the inclusion and/or support of groups underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)
    • Service on ED&I committees
    • ED&I-centric peer-reviewed publications
    • Grant-funded programs focused on inclusive science (e.g., diversity-focused research experiences)
    • A history of mentoring underrepresented students
    • A research focus that improves healthcare accessibility or preferentially benefits historically underrepresented groups


Nominations are currently closed, check back for updates

All nominations for the primary CRS awards are submitted through the same form for consideration. Please note, self-nominations are greatly encouraged. The following areas will be reviewed for eligibility by the Award Committee:

  • Contributions to Drug Delivery Science (50%)
  • Contributions to the Controlled Release Society (30%)
  • Contributions to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (20%)
  • A CV for the nominee is required 

​​​​​Award nominations do not carry over from year to year. The nominee must be an active CRS member or become a member if selected as the awardee.

Selection Process

The Member of the Year Award Committee will make the selection of the awardee. The committee is comprised of a Chair, who is a member of the ED&I committee, selected by the CRS ED&I committee, as well as five other members of the ED&I committee.


  • Award Plaque and recognition during the Annual Meeting
  • $3,000 USD Honorarium
  • Awardee will present a talk during the Annual Meeting
  • Awardee will receive complimentary Annual Meeting registration

Past Recipients