Spotlight Chats Are Back!


Spotlight Chats Are Back!

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The “Spotlight Chats” are back, and I couldn’t be happier with my guest for this issue! Prof Christine Allen (University of Toronto) is a trailblazer inside and outside of CRS, an inspirational leader, and currently the Chair of the Women in Science group. Naturally, our conversation went a lot around women in science, women in CRS, and how can we develop, promote and advocate for women and other underrepresented groups in our community. Hope you enjoy listening!

Without actually planning for it, it’s just fitting that this issue is full of women-related pieces. Make sure you read through Andrea’s conversation with Dr Hagar Labouta, who is promoting a “Women’s Health” session at the next Annual Meeting, and don’t miss the “CRS Labs Around the World” article, to meet Prof Ana Melero and her DrugBiOp group. Lots of exciting science happening all over the world, and the next one highlighted may be yours – just reach out to anyone in the Newsletter team and we’ll let you know how!

Looking forward to seeing you all in Bologna in July!


Sara Cordeiro


Watch the full conversation on YouTube.
