
Like many companies there has been an increased focus on drug delivery at AstraZeneca over recent years and an explosion of opportunities for delivery science.  Traditionally, like many large biopharma companies, drug delivery was focused on delivering small molecule drug…
1. What is a nanoparticle – the Babylonian babel Just to make sure that we are talking about the same thing, at the beginning of this article a short excursion is necessary to the definition of nanoparticles or the understanding what is a…
Introduction The barrier of the stratum corneum (SC) represents the biggest challenge for the transport of drugs into the viable…
Introduction In recent years, research in nanotechnology for medical applications has focused on improving the…
Embracing the new normal: MyCRS hosts its first fully virtual AGM and Seminar in pandemic times MyCRS today reached a significant milestone when it hosted its 6th…
This article summarizes selected patents in the area of controlled release or delivery that were issued from May19, 2020 through September 8, 2020. Greater detail on each of these patents is given on the U.S. patent website…